Signature Page Design Complete!
12 months ago
– Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 06:43:16 AM
Howdy, all!
Now that we have everything we need to get started on the book's interior, we have the first piece of that done: the signature pages.
Also called tip-ins, these pages are printed ahead of the rest of the book and sent to the author for signing. Once they are signed they get sent back to the printer and are bound into the front of the book.
Take a look at their design below:
We'll keep y'all updated as these get printed and signed!
Getting back up and running after the holidays (and a new support email)!
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 06:29:29 AM
Howdy, all!
Now that we're back from holiday break, we're getting things back up and running! We've got everything we need now to complete the layout, so we'll be getting that done soon! Additionally, we want to take a moment to update you all on how best to contact us if you need help (outside of Kickstarter).
Retiring our old Wraithmarked Contact email...
If you have supported our campaigns in the past, you may have seen us make mention of "[email protected]". Until now, this has been our primary method of customer support outside of messages here on Kickstarter. It's been a useful, but imperfect solution, so we've moved to something a little more robust.
Going forward, if you require email-based support, please follow the steps below:
- Send your support request to "[email protected]". Please be as detailed as possible.
- Shortly after receiving your email, our ticketing system will generate an automated response informing you of your unique request number.
- Depending on our workload, we will try to reply to your request in 1-2 business days. We do not answer support requests on US Holidays or Weekends.
Still waiting on a few things...
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 05:23:26 AM
Howdy, all!
This is a quick little update to let y'all know that we're still waiting on a few final things from Richard before we proceed with finalizing the layout. Given the holidays that we're in the midst of, it's not at all surprising or concerning. December is always a little slow when it comes to book production.
But we'll be back in our next update ready to hit the ground running in the new year! See you then!
Layout Almost Complete
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 08:08:09 AM
Howdy, all!
Similar to last update, we're still in the layout phase, but that's nearing completion! We're waiting to get a few things back from Richard before we can get it all wrapped up!
Getting the Layout Completed!
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 08:16:47 AM
Howdy, all!
We have a quick update for everyone today! We've got the full and completed manuscript from Richard A. Knaak and are beginning the official layout process. Once we get that done and get approval from Richard we can send the book off to the printer.
With that sent to them, the next part of the process will be to get all the Tip-Ins printed and signed. Only once those have been done and returned to the printer can the printing process begin.
There are a few extra steps in there that we'll explain as we go through this process, but it will take several months to complete. We may have some fairly light updates between now and then, but regardless we'll keep checking in twice a month until we're ready to start shipping, so stay tuned!